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Aurora Borealis Timelapse over Fort Smith, Northwest Territories in 360 .
Driving around Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada .
UGC: Wildfires make the sky turn red in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada .
【聊7聊八】夜话 Night Tales-Fort Smith city in Arkansas 聊7聊八再开播!聊聊我们到的新城市史密斯堡和我们的近况! .
【聊7聊八】夜话 Night Tales-The local cuisine【尝试史密斯堡的当地美食】辛苦工作一周,趁休息日尝试史密斯堡的各种当地小吃,来看看都有哪些你喜欢的食物? .
【做Doordash外卖赚钱吗?第一次尝试的感受如何?】听说现在Doordash外卖很火,做了一次尝试,看看能赚多少钱?和史密斯堡的卖外比如何? .
Slave River Kayaking, Fort Smith - Northwest Territories, Canada .
Class V Kayaking on the Slave River, Fort Smith - Northwest Territories, Canada .
The Town Of Fort Smith Northwest Territories (Helicopter View) .
【与俄克拉荷马隔桥相望的史密斯堡市中心,静谧的小镇,市中心也人烟稀少,缺少烟火气的这里却充满了多年历史的积淀,旧屋,旧商店,已经掩埋在时代前进的洪流中,但又似乎悄悄的诉说着曾经的故事和历史】 .