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🏡 vTourMap Home > Music [En] > Music of Uruguay
Beautiful Samples From Uruguay Folk Music .
KAIA Kids Around the World - The Music of Uruguay .
Los Gauchos de Roldán Share Rural Dance Music Tradition of Uruguay [Behind the Scenes Documentary] .
Traditional clothes and music of each country 🌏 .
【Min-On Music Journey】“La cumparsita”| Oriental Republic of Uruguay Independence Day Concert .
Classical Music for Relaxation: Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky... .
Polcas and Colonia Lavalleja (uruguayan folk music) .
One Hour of Uruguayan Communist Music .
ウルグアイの音楽 .
【癒しのBGM】パラグアイ本場の最高のアルパの音色♪ Paraguay music BGM. Authentic moving music.Melonde Cafe .