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Vlog#37)(ENG)🇳🇱オランダ留孊をする前に知っおおきたかった事/ What I wanted to know before I came to The Netherlands .
Vlog#35)(ENG)🇳🇱オランダ留孊生の䌑日の過ごし方/ 🇳🇱How I spend the day off in The Netherlands [International student] .
【䞖界䞀呚】女ひずり旅オランダ・アムステルダムvlog〜コンセルトヘボりでオヌケストラ│可愛い゚コバッグのアムステルダム垂立矎術通でアヌト鑑賞│カフェPLUKでモヌニング〜 .
4K【🇳🇱VLOG 25】歀生必去䞀趟荷兰海牙床假胜地必试矎食和旅枞景点垭凡宁根海滩#netherlands #holland #荷兰海牙 #denhaag #垭凡寧根海灘 #thehague .
Vlog 【荷兰工䜜的䞀倩的时闎记圕】工䜜第䞀呚的感觉 | 䞋班后骑蜊| 长长的䞀倩| workday in Netherlands .
(Eng Subs) 荷兰 | 䞍芁移民荷兰的原因 | Why you shouldn't move to the Netherlands .
10 Amazing Places to Visit in the Netherlands 4K 🇳🇱 | Netherlands Travel Guide .
FIRST TIME TRAVELLING TO AMSTERDAM 🇳🇱 // 2-Day Travel Vlog in Netherlands .
A day exploring Haarlem | Netherlands travel vlog 🇳🇱 .
A day exploring Rotterdam | Netherlands travel vlog .