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聖地‧聖經‧冷知識 - 塔布加(五餅二魚堂) Little-Known Facts about the Holy Land: Tabgha - Church of the Multiplication .
[4K] Tabgha, Church of the Multiplication, Israel .
Israel. Holy Land. Church of the Multiplication /walking tour .
Church of the Multiplication (Tabgha): Corpus Christi .
The Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes Tabgha .
Church of the Multiplication (of loaves and fishes) .
The story of the Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes, Israel - Part 1 .
Tabgha Israel- The Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes. Sea of Galilee, Israel .
At the Church of the Multiplication in Israel .
The Church of the Multiplication .