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National Museum of Brazil consumed by fire - BBC News .
Milepost: National Museum of Brazil destroyed by fire .
Fire at the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro - Why We Need to Fund Museums .
Restoration of Cultural Relics Underway in National Museum of Brazil .
20 million historical artifacts destroyed in fire at National Museum of Brazil .
Watching Brief: National Museum of Brazil Destroyed by Fire - Aug 2018 .
Out of the Ashes: The Death of the National Museum of Brazil, Slavery Heritage on the Edge -Mar 2021 .
Brazil: The restoration efforts at the national museum in Rio .
【旅エイター】南米・ブラジルの旅『ブラジル国立博物館』 リオデジャネイロ .
巴西國家博物館全毀 民眾抗議政府失職 20180904 公視晚間新聞 .